
It has been months since I last posted on this blog, as I got too preoccupied with food, among others. So many things have changed!

First, we moved back to the old home in Fairview. This proved to be a good decision because Manang left mid this year, and it would have been a nightmare had I insisted we stayed. Helpers are such a novelty these days. It has been months now and we still haven't gotten a replacement. I think it is okay though. It can be tiring but this is totally hands on parenting.

Second, we learned a month ago that we are having another addition to the family. Everyone is just so excited--especially me and the soon-to-be Ate. I took a video of her reaction when I told her she will be an Ate and her shy reaction was, "are you even pregnant?!" I am due March or April 2016 and I am actually very excited now. I have just gotten over the shock and well, that feeling that this is totally going to sidetrack my plans. But again, I have gotten over that and have accepted that something really truly beautiful is happening. I came across a meme that said "Dear God, if today I lose my hope, please remind me that your plans are bigger than my dreams".

Speaking of pregnancy, I am enjoying it now, more than I did the first time. Maybe because I have work and there is so much to do aside from wallowing in nausea the whole day. I also have names to boot, but the other two have their list as well.

Last night, Sophie was asking how the baby will look like and so of course, I told her the baby will look like her.

Until then, I cannot wait.


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