SHAP's Pre-school School Visit

Like all stage moms, first school days are the one of the most anticipated days ever. So yesterday morning, Sophie attended a School Visit of sort so first-time schoolers can have a feel of what is to happen come school opening. I think this strategy is very good getting the kids' feet wet, so to speak

Day before the School visit, I got a text from the school that Sophie was accepted in the AM class where I had her waitlisted. It was pretty much too short a notice but I think it is better to have her go to class in the morning and have more sleep and playtime in the afternoon.

Sophie, being painfully shy in front of strangers took her sweet time before she started talking and playing. I was so proud because she was very attentive and she was well behaved. She was asked to color and she did so with her brand of carefree, artsy coloring (meaning she did not follow the lines). She was also given a dinosaur to color and to name and when the teacher asked her, she refused to answer. There were only two students who came for the School Visit. Sophie and her classmate TJ, from a total of 8 students assigned to the class.

The following day was Parent's Orientation. Julius and I both attended and for her homeroom class, we got appointed as Chairman and Secretary respectively. Which was good because I wanted nothing less.
I have come to appreciate the Parent's Orientation. They discussed very important points like grading system, non-ranking (instead give kids merit certificates) and teaching your child to be independent. They also emphasized how parent's participation can be beneficial and how it can help in the kids getting higher grades and learning more.

I cannot wait for day 1, which is this Wednesday!


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