34 weeks!

Today, I am entering my 34th week, and ONLY 6 more weeks until I pop!

Taken during my sister-in-law's wedding
January 17, 2016 

I have gained so much weight already--despite my struggle not to, and to be honest I don't know how I can get any heavier and how the tummy can get bigger! Right now, I am having difficulty walking and just being mobile.

Everyone who sees me tells me my tummy is just huge for 7 mos and that they expect me to pop already!

But I just can't yet! I have so much to accomplish, work-wise and baby related that I just cannot find myself taking the leave.

Yesterday, I finally did the 3D scanning with the ultrasound and I found out that I do have three major myomas (huge if I may add), maybe because of the hormones that pregnancy brings. I am praying that it has not affected the baby, and from the looks of it, she is healthy and fat and all is well. She is really cute, with her chin is just beautifully defined.

Right now, she doesn't look like anyone in the family, even Sophie said she doesn't look like her. I just cannot wait to see her :)


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